Most frequent questions and answers

Booking is easy! Click the “Book an appointment”.

Making an account helps you keep track of appointments and book ones in the future on your own time. You can also call us at any time to book an appointment.

We are situated in the Sola Salon studio at Maple and Transit. There is always a lot of parking space available.

For facials, we utilize Ilike organic skin care products. They represent the pinnacle in the sector. For other services like waxing, hydrafacials, eyeglass laminating, lash lifting, and tinting, we only utilize the best products.

We advise visiting every four to six weeks for best results.

We advise making appointments through our website, though you can also text the mobile number provided there. Alternatively, you can leave a detailed voicemail message by calling, and we’ll return it within 24 hours.

Similar to how you book an appointment, you can cancel online. Additionally, you can let us know by text, email, or phone call at least 24 hours before your appointment.

Yes, you can buy a gift certificate at the spa or online through our website, with prices ranging from $25 to $300.

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